- šćDESIGN 3 IN 1ćAndzerolief Tricycle for children / Balance bike with two wheels / Mode without pedal. You can make a two-wheeled bike by folding the two rear wheels of the tricycle. The pedals are also detachable. No pedal mode helps your children develop essential bike skills such as balance, direction and coordination. with a pedal, it can help the children to master the driving techniques.
- šćSTURDY AND COMFORTABLEć Trikes for toddler has safety carbon steel frame, durable widen silent wheels, strong enough for riding indoor or outdoor. Our tricycles use a non-slip handlebar, a comfortable PU leather seat, durable wheels, a sturdy steel frame and a stable triangular structure for added convenience and safety. The seat cushion is designed and manufactured in accordance with human techniques.
- šćBETTER EARLY DEVELOPMENTćOur toddler bike is the best birthday gift for baby to learn how to ride a bike.Your toddler will quickly understand the concept of walking with the bike between his legs and immediately feel a sense of accomplishment. It also strengthens the muscles to lean, direct, move, walk,ride and confidence.
- šćEASY TO ASSEMBLEć Our baby bike just need to install the handlebar and seat within minutes according to the instructions of the manual. Compared with other tricycles, Andzerolief tricycle has an additional adjustment of the handlebars, lift seat function for children aged 1 to 3 years. It also means that it can accompany your baby for a long time as your children grow up.